Retinal Detachment Surgery: What to expect?
Maxvision_Retinal detachment surgery

Retinal detachment describes an emergency condition. It is a condition wherein a thin layer of tissue (the retina) at the back of the eye pulls away from its usual position. It divides the retinal cells from the blood vessel layer that gives oxygen and nourishment. The more extended retinal detachment goes untouched, the higher your […]

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Robotic Cataract Surgery: Everything you should know
Robotic Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgeries are going to be faster and hassle-free. The new Robotic Cataract Surgery technology, which employs laser machines to work on cataract patients, is being acquired by a handful of hospitals. The newest cataract surgery technique replaces manual actions. It is done by a very accurate and precise Femtosecond Laser which makes the surgery blade-free […]

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