Contact Lenses: 5 Tips to take care while you Travel

Contact lenses sure are a comfortable habit, especially when you move away from glasses. And, since the travel lines are now being opened it only means more trips around the year. So, enjoy your trips without the restrictions of glasses by replacing them with contacts. But, you need little knowledge on how to efficiently pack them without damaging them. Here are 5 simple tips that you can use to correctly pack your contacts for a trip.

1. Care for them like your eyes

Contacts are made of a delicate piece of material for a better experience. Because of this, they need to be cared for. Moreover while packing for a trip, we usually tend to stack items together or throw them in a bag. Doing so will incur damage to your contacts. Instead, use small yet strong containers that are sturdy and light at the same time. This helps you save space and reduces your worry about damage. Nowadays, there are several options available in the market to pack your contacts.

2. Always pack extra Contact lenses

Look a little ahead of your trip and calculate how many sets of contacts you will need for your trip. Also, make sure to add an extra set, just in case. Since traveling comes with its set of challenges, we should always ensure to be ready for any situation. Also, keep a set or two in hand during transit.

3. Pack the ones with UV protection

It’s a fact that India is a hot country. Adding to the weather, the UV rays in the light can damage your eyes. So, whenever you’re shopping for contacts before a trip, make sure you buy those with UV protection. Just to stay on the safer side, add a pair of protective sunglasses to your shopping list.

4. Clean ‘em good

Travel is exciting, and because of that, it’s easy to neglect caring for your items. Drop the negligence when it comes to eye cataract laser treatment hospitals in Hyderabad. Clean, prep, and store your lenses the right way so that their lifespan increases. Also, take some time before your trip to clean all the sets of contacts so that you won’t be stuck with smudgy or defective contacts on your trip.

5. Plan B never hurts

Travelling makes your eyes tired faster than usual. This is because of the change in air, winds, dust, and many more other factors. So, we suggest you include a pair of glasses handy. So, you can use them during drives.

Those are 5 amazing tips you can use for your next trip. To conclude this, please carry the prescription for your eyesight. That way, you can always rely on external stores to help you out selecting the lenses for your need. Also, make an appointment with us for your eyesight consultation before your trip.

No information, suggestion, advice, evaluation, process, terminology, etc., provided in our blog should be considered as the final medical advice. Please note that this information is only indicatory for you to get a better understanding of various eye-related syndromes and treatment options available. For any issues or discomfort in your eye(s), we recommend you visit our hospital. Only on complete diagnosis by one of our doctors, we can evaluate your condition, and help you with a relevant medical process and/or treatment.

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