What is the difference between Contoura Vision and LASIK?
LASIK better than Contoura

Laser surgery has been popular with people having refractive errors for more than two decades. Millions of surgeries have been done since LASIK was approved by the FDA in 1999. The USA tops the list in this regard. LASIK stands for ‘Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis’. LASIK underwent the same upgradation that happens to technology over […]

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LASIK Surgery: Know About Corneal Thickness

If you’re thinking of getting a LASIK surgery done, let us tell you that it is always the right decision. Before diving into why you should know about Corneal thickness before getting LASIK surgery, let’s see what LASIK does. As we all know, to move away from glasses, you get LASIK surgery done. It is […]

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Top most common causes for Vision loss in seniors
Glaucoma __ maxivision

As we age, changes do alter our vision. Here are the top most common causes for vision loss in seniors.  Some of these changes are perfectly normal, while others can have a life-changing impact. Some of these changes can affect our vision and quality of life permanently. In fact, many eye diseases develop without pain, […]

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Refractive errors – Causes, Symptoms, and Preventive measures
Refractive errors __ Maxivision

Refractive error is a common eye disorder. Refractive error, in understandable technical terms means that the eye cannot reflect the light properly. Therefore, the vision on the respective side becomes blurry. Since it’s a common disorder, this symptom is usually ignored by most people, eventually leading to total blindness. While a simple diagnosis can help […]

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