Behcet’s Disease

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    What is Behcet’s disease?

    Understanding About

    Behcet’s Disease

    Behcet’s disease, also known as Behcet’s syndrome, is a rare condition characterized by inflammation of blood vessels throughout the body. 

    Symptoms may initially appear unrelated and include mouth sores, eye inflammation, skin rashes, lesions, and genital sores. 

    Treatment typically involves medications aimed at managing symptoms and preventing complications, such as blindness.

    Behcet’s disease FAQs

    Behcet’s Disease

    This condition is not contagious, but a rare inflammatory disorder that is linked to the HLA B51 gene.
    Oral and genital ulcers are most commonly the first symptoms. The disease can also affect the eyes, skin, digestive system, brain, kidneys, heart and lungs. In addition, joint pain and swelling can impact knees, ankles, wrists and shoulders.
    While the exact cause of the disease is unclear, it is believed that genetic and environmental factors may contribute to the onset of Behcet’s disease. This means that there may be genes in the body that are triggered by a virus or bacteria, which puts people with these genes at greater risk of developing the disease.
    There are a few early signs of Behcet’s disease. Oral and genital sores, called ulcers, are among the first signs of Behcet’s disease. These are found in 70% of cases and usually heal within one to two weeks. Oral ulcers are most often found on the lips, inner cheeks, roof of the mouth, throat and tonsils. Genital ulcers appear on the labia for females and on the scrotum for males.

     Behcet’s disease is uncommon in North America, ranging from 1 in 15,000 people to 1 in 500,000. It is more prevalent in Mediterranean and East Asian populations, including people from Turkey, Japan, Korea, China, Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Behcet’s disease typically affects people 20 to 40 years of age with a decrease in the severity and frequency of symptoms experienced over time. Symptoms are more severe in men.

    There is a genetic influence associated with the disease. Specifically, someone who has a close relative with Behcet’s disease will have an increased risk of developing the disease.