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    What is Ptosis?

    Understanding About

    The understanding about ptosis is that it refers to the drooping of the upper eyelid, which can affect vision and cosmesis. Ptosis can be congenital or acquired and may have various causes, including neurogenic, myogenic, aponeurotic, mechanical, or traumatic factors. 

    Proper evaluation and diagnosis are crucial for prompt management. Treatment options include surgical or medical interventions tailored to the specific cause of ptosis to improve patient outcomes.

     Coordination among interprofessional team members is essential for effective management and improved patient outcomes.

    Ptosis FAQs


    If you experience droopy eyelids affecting one or both eyes, schedule an appointment with an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Your eye doctor can help you find out what is causing your condition and whether any additional testing is needed.

    Ptosis should always be repaired by an oculoplastic surgeon trained in this procedure. The eyelid anatomy is complex. Ptosis surgery requires years of training and expertise to perfect. It is important that your surgeon has many years of experience performing surgical ptosis repair.

    In some situations, ptosis can have a serious underlying cause. But ptosis can also be harmless, mild and may even go away on its own. If you think you have ptosis, it’s important to rule out anything serious with the help of an eye doctor.

    In some cases, ptosis can be a sign that someone is having a stroke. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the signs or symptoms of stroke, seek emergency medical attention immediately.

    Yes. Since ptosis can be a symptom of an underlying disease, it can occur at any age.

    Yes, some cases of ptosis can go away on their own. They can also return without warning. This cycle of coming and going can sometimes repeat indefinitely.

    However, many forms of ptosis will not go away on their own. In these cases, medical treatment of the underlying condition or ptosis itself will be necessary.